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15 Minute Phone Call: Intro to Red Blue Green concepts


15 minutes

About the Course

Cashflow Clarity using RBG

Mike McCracken

Your Instructor

Mike McCracken

Mike McCracken is the President and Founder of Wealth Guide Financial. A company dedicated to protecting your wealth. This company specializes in using a system called, "Red, Blue, Green". A plan for success, which enables families or individuals to start working toward or maintaining financial independence. Mike has been in the financial services industry since 1996. He was host of the "Safe Money and Retirement" show for several years and continually ran the "Safe Money Minute" during drive time for daily market updates.

© 2023 Wealth Guide Financial, LLC

Michael McCracken is an investment advisory representative of and provides advisory services through CoreCap Advisors, LLC.

Wealth Guide Financial and CoreCap Advisors are separate and unaffiliated entities.


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